
Jurgen Ostarhild is a Berlin-based visual artist and photographer who uses light and code as his canvas. He creates image automata, site-specific installations, multiples and printed artifacts to investigate the boundaries of concrete visual language in the post-photographic landscape. His current work explores distributed data networks such as public blockchains to generate real-time performances of encoded light drawing from the tradition of American color field painting and concrete art.

Aus Datenverkehr wird Farbpoesie, die in ihrer Unvorhersehbarkeit inmitten unserer hochtechnisierten, vermeintlich kalkulierbaren Welt auf das Menschliche verweist.

Interview with Anika Meier

Quotes about Ostarhild’s work

"The algorithm used to be called God."
– Marcus Steinweg

"The spiritual in art today is the code."
– Bazon Brock

Jurgen Ostarhild
Holzmarktstrasse 75, 10179 Berlin

Instagram, Jurgen Ostarhild